10 Essential Health Benefits Your Insurance Plan Should Cover


Looking to buy a new health insurance plan? Here are a few benefits that you should ensure your plan covers.

Wellness and preventive visits, including chronic disease management. Preventive care visits usually have no copay. While these benefits may not help cover your immediate medical expenses, they are a good option to have.

Maternity and Newborn Baby Care

This must be provided without any cost, given the fact that it is preventive care. If you do become pregnant, you will find that this coverage will be of immense help.

Behavioral and Mental Health Treatment

This includes treatment for drug, alcohol, and other substance abuse and addiction. Insurance companies avoid paying for these diseases since they need a long-term commitment.

Services and devices to help those with disabilities, injuries, and chronic conditions. Most plans cover equipment and services that help you recover from many temporary injuries, like a broken arm or leg.

Lab Test

It’s important that your health insurance plan pays 100% of the cost of the test, especially if your healthcare provider is using these tests to diagnose your illness. Otherwise, regular deductibles and copays apply.

Pediatric care. Vision and dental care must also be covered.

Prescription Drugs.

Plans should cover at least one drug belonging to every category in the U.S. Pharmacopeia.

Outpatient care. Typically, most health insurance plans already cover this.

Emergency Room Services.

Most health insurance plans include this coverage already. But some plans charge extra if you visit a healthcare provider that is outside their network or if you go to an in-network provider without preauthorization. Keep in mind that Obamacare plans do not charge anything extra.


Not all health insurance plans cover enough of this cost. Most people do not realize that even a day in the hospital can cost thousands of dollars – even as high as $20,000. If you have a high-deductible health insurance plan, you may be surprised by just how much you’ll end up having to pay out-of-pocket. So, lookout for a plan that offers hospitalization benefits that seem adequate to you.