Apps That Small Businesses Should Use To Be More Productive


If you are running a small business, you already know quite a lot about getting important things done on your own. Of course, you need to otherwise you can’t really function. But, there are tools that you can use to become more productive and save your time and energy.

Here’s a list of apps that we think will really help small businesses, like yours, function more efficiently and productively.

App to Handle Contracts

You may be pursuing the career of your dreams but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to deal with legal clients. Fortunately, you have apps like the Shake app that provide examples and templates to help you out. It does not replace consulting a lawyer, but it’s a lot better than working from scratch.

App to Manage Projects

How you manage your work projects will depend on the type of projects you get. But some types of work lend themselves very well to online tools. If you are looking for a project management tool, Basecamp can do a great job.

Team members can create different tasks or projects, describe what needs to be done, assign tasks to other people, and attach documents. When information is so well organized and accessible, everyone is able to stay connected and on top of all the tasks that need to be done a lot better.

App for Tracking Time

Even if you only work for yourself, you may still need to provide detailed reports regarding how you’ve spent your time when working for them. Since the onus is on you to keep a note of this information, it’s worth investing in apps that can help you do this.

Timesheet (Android) is one of the best time tracking apps, given that it has the ability to track your work and produce reports. You can also consider tools like Hours Tracker, Time Recording, and TimeTracker.

Before you choose any software for your business, make sure to consult the other members of your team. Also, check if the vendor can give you a trial run so you know if the software is actually beneficial to your business.